Who the Hell is This Guy?

This guy is John Halderman. The band promo photo in question was taken in November 1997. Wil Jones had recently announced that he was leaving the group at the end of the year to take a sabbatical from the music business. On the day of the photo shoot Wil had an emergency and called off short notice. As we did not know when or if Wil was going to return to the group or who his replacement was going to be, we began calling friends to find anyone who would sit in on the photo shoot. Brantt reached a long time friend John Halderman who cordially agreed to come down to help us out.
As far as we know John has never played drums. If he did it was never with the KingBees. The photo was intended to be a short term thing but we ended up toting it around for almost two years. During that time John assumed the identity of who ever was playing drums with us; including Wil Jones who returned to the group at the beginning of 1999. Thanks again John.

Well, now you know one of our secrets.